Omnicell Repeats as Top Overall Pharmacy Vendor in 2014 KLAS Pharmacy Equipment Rankings
- OmniRx® Automated Medication System received the prestigious Best in KLAS award reserved for top performing technology vendors. Every year since 2006,
Omnicell has received the top award in this category. - WorkflowRx™ Carousel received the Category Leader distinction for the fifth year running in the Medication Carousel category.
- WorkflowRx Medication Packager was named Category Leader in the High-Volume Medication Packager sector for the second year running.
Omnicell's Controlled Substance Management (CSM) system received the top honor for the second consecutive year in the Controlled Substance Management category.Omnicell's Anesthesia Workstation received the Category Leader honor in the Anesthesia Cabinet rankings.
The 2014 KLAS report provides detail about how each vendor performed against other vendors in the Pharmacy Automated Equipment Segment.
According to a hospital director surveyed recently by KLAS, "Our nurses are so happy with the Omnicell OmniRx that it is unreal. The cabinets are really working great. The guided-light technology is a plus. Some of our nurses are using Anywhere RN, and they are really pleased with it as well. A couple of nurses have told me that they like that the narcotic waste, witnessing and other things are much more streamlined."
"We have committed to a platform strategy with exceptional user experience for pharmacists, nurses and physicians at its heart. We are delivering to our customers an integrated and easy to use suite of medication management solutions," said
About KLAS
KLAS is a research firm on a global mission to improve healthcare delivery by enabling providers to be heard and counted. Working with thousands of healthcare executives and clinicians, KLAS gathers data on software, services, medical equipment, and infrastructure systems to deliver timely reports, trends, and statistical overviews. The research directly represents the provider voice and acts as a catalyst for improving vendor performance. KLAS was founded in 1996, and their staff and advisory board average 25 years of healthcare information technology experience. Follow KLAS on Twitter at
Since 1992,
More than 2,800 customers worldwide have utilized Omnicell Automation and Analytics solutions to increase operational efficiency, reduce errors, deliver actionable intelligence and improve patient safety. Omnicell Medication Adherence solutions, including its MTS Medication Technologies brand, provide innovative medication adherence packaging solutions to help reduce costly hospital readmissions. In addition, these solutions enable approximately 6,000 institutional and retail pharmacies worldwide to maintain high accuracy and quality standards in medication dispensing and administration while optimizing productivity and controlling costs.
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Omnicell news releases (financial, acquisitions, products, technology etc.) are issued exclusively by PR Newswire and are immediately thereafter posted on the company's external website. Omnicell , theOmnicell logo design, and OmniRx are registered trademarks ofOmnicell, Inc. WorkflowRx and Anesthesia Workstation are trademarks ofOmnicell, Inc. - All other brand or product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
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